Monday, January 3, 2011

I Am Resolved

Happy New Year to all twelve people who read my blog : ) Don't worry, it doesn't bother me. I write more for myself than for anyone else. Blogging let's me organize my thoughts and share something that I feel might be beneficial to someone else. Wasn't that the purpose of blogs in the first place? That being said, let me share one of my new year's resolution for 2011.

I am resolved to write a blog at least once a week.

There. I've said it. In once sense, I glad that I am forcing myself to be disciplined. In another sense, I'm scared of adding another commitment to my already semi-crazy life. How will I find time? How will I think of things to write about? What if I fail and everyone knows it since I've posted it for everyone to see?

I don't know how this will work out. Up until now, writing one post a month has been a challenge. Some things will probably change, such as the posts will probably we shorter, which might be a blessing for my reading audience. I will also probably have to give something else up, which will probably be facebook time.

The question that naturally follows is this: Why am I doing this? First and most of all, I was convicted by a post by my fellow blogger Aaron Katreeb on discipline. I am disciplined in many areas of my life, but this is not one of them. I believe in discipline in all areas of life, and the more areas it is in, the easier it gets. I know some of you might cringe at the word discipline. It conjures up images of an army-like regulated life with no fun or excitement. Let me tell you something: my life ain't nothing like that. I have a lot of fun, and it is very exciting. I believe that my life is like that because I am disciplined and the freedom that it brings. I could write a whole post just about that, and maybe I will, but not right now. The other reason I decided on this resolution is because many people have told me: "You should write more, Katie." I usually agree with them, and then I usually don't. I believe my ability to write is a gift from God, and I don't want to waste something God gave me. Right now, I am using that gift in a small way in my little blog, but that's better than nothing. I'd rather return to God one talent than bury it in the ground and give Him nothing in return. I believe that this is both my obligation and my privilege.

So there it is. I'm counting on you, people, to help me keep this resolution. If you have an idea that you want me to write about, drop me a line. I could use some ideas. Thank you for your faithful reading over the past two years.


1 comment:

  1. hay Katie, I am so happy that you made this commitment. It is fun to write I try to write two times every week (was three) it is hard for me to write all the time. writing was not my best subject but it is getting easier. anyway enough about me you are a great writer, very talented much better than me. I love your writing it truly is a projection of who you are, and for that thanks!
