Sunday, November 22, 2009

More Flour

Coming shortly

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sad Joy

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about writing another blog, and the theme that kept coming to my mind was “Forgotten Joy.” The reason for this was because I was having a hard time, mainly because school was bogging me down in its endless monotony, and joy did seem to be forgotten. God lifted me out of the pit I was sliding down, however, so my joy is no longer forgotten-praise Jesus! But, today my joy is tinged with sadness. Someone in my church family lost their young son this weekend. We prayed for healing, and God healed him completely by taking him home. He answered our prayers, just not in the way we thought. Whenever God veils His plan from us it’s always hard, but it’s not hopeless, and it doesn’t have to be without joy. Too often I think people equate joy with happiness. Happiness is a feeling based on circumstances; Joy is an attitude in spite of circumstances. That is why it is completely possible to have sad joy. I’m sad because this family lost their son and brother. I’m joyful because I have hope in spite of that.